Friday, July 26, 2013


         What a slacker I am! It has been over a year that I have written. Guess it is about time, huh! Many things have happened over the past year and I would like to talk about a few of them. Especially in the past few months. My beautiful daughter Jessica (18), graduated from High School. I have been a little taken back by the fact that my first child has left the home to go off and do her thing. She is currently in Provo, Utah working at Subway and starting School 11 August '13 to start at Renassiance Hair Design to do Cosmotology. She is way excited, and I am excited for her!

         Over the past months I have had some time to reflect on my life and my oldest daughter, and it amazes me how fast time goes by. It was just yesterday that I was helping her say her "R's" or swinging her on the swing or ruff housing with her on the floor. She has grown into a beautiful young woman, who I am very proud of. So in the last month and a half I have missed her greatly, and I try not to show how much I miss her, becuase that would not benefit anyone, especially me.

         As most of you know our family has been in Hawaii almost (11 August) two years now. Time has flown by. At the beginning of this year, Jaden's developmental pediatrician asked if we where going to stay another three years after our initial required three years on the island. We had heard about it but hadn't made any definitive decisions. So we felt it was the right thing to do, and put in paperwork (IPCOT) that would give us a total of 6 years on the island. I know the hardest thing we miss by being on the island is our extended family. That part has been really hard, we have had family grow up without us around, and we understand we all live our own lives but it is great to get together with siblings and all the cousins get together. I really do miss those times! So just this past week we got our answer and we are able to stay for another 3 years, meaning 4 more years since I still have a year on my initial 3 year requirement. To add to that, after the 6 years on the island, William will be starting his senior year of high school. So we can do one more year of senior stabilization. So a total of 7 years! That is pretty crazy. What happens after that I do not know. It has been a wild ride over the last almost 21 years of military service.

        Tiffany (29) has really been busting out college classes. She will earn her Bachelors in Creative Writing in December '13 and then will go straight into her Masters Degree. I sure am proud of her. I don't know how she does all of that and also everything else going on in her life. Considering she is a huge perfectionist, it is no wonder she is at (better get this right) 3.96 GPA..... (I am going to hear about it if I am wrong....LOL).

        Scott (20) in the past two years has been on a National Champion Cheerleading Squad and has the goal of going to the University of Louisville and getting on the cheer team starting next Fall '14. He definitely has been working hard and his body has become stronger by lifting the girls everyday.

        William (13) is an 8th grader this year, and does an amazing job as a percussionist in his Middle School Band. he is definitely at the top of anyone in the percussion section as school. I am really proud of his accomplishments. He also is a Boy Scout and has just had his Board of Review for Star Rank as of last week. So this coming Tuesday Will will be able to be advanced at the Court of Honor. He loves to read and it is so sad when there are no books that he wants to read in the house. William is going to try to get as far as he can in scouting before he starts High School next year. He is eligible in January '14 to get Life Scout. Keep working hard buddy.

        Ryan (9) is a 5th grader and loving school! He is a Bear in cub scouts and is looking forward to his birthday in September so he can become a Webelos. He just had a scout pack meeting where they did a Raingutter Regatta. He came in first place almost every time. Great job Ryan, I think I wanted to hyperventilate with him as he was blowing the boat down the lane. Ryan is the biggest character of the family. It is a great day to hear him speak in an English accent, I love it. Also, if you want to know cars, William and Ryan excel in this category. He also loves planes and helicopters, which I do too, so that is cool to talk to him about them.

         Emma (7) will have the opportunity to be baptized. We are sure excited for her! She is a spark plug and definitely if full of life. She can be frills and hair up and all that, or she can be in shorts and a tank top and get ruff and tumbly with the boys. Ryan has had his hands full on more than one occasion when wrestling with his sister.
        So there is an update on everything that has happened lately. We had a great visit from Grandma and Grandpa Porter in April '13. We really enjoyed having them and enjoying spending time with them while they were here.  I am sure it was a nice break in Maui when they went as well.

        Until next time,


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Back at it again

Well it has been a while since I have been on the blog, It has been a love hate relationship. Starting to love it again, so I trying to do better.

Many things have changed in the past year and a half:

1. We moved from El Paso, TX to Kapolei, HI:

                   I was awarded a Functional Area in the military, FA57 which is a Mission Command/ Knowledge Management Officer. This is a big change from being a Intelligence Officer. So I had to attend training from 12 June - 6 Aug '11. Tiffany and the kids when to Utah the week after I left for school for the summer until August. There were many adventures and Tiffany has put some of those previously in her blog. I finished with training and flew to Utah to pick up the family. We spent a few days there and then headed to California to go to Sea World and to spend a little time with Craig, Laura, and the kids.

      On 11 August we all loaded into the Marriott Hotel bus and headed to the airport at LAX. It was more seamless then we all thought it would be in LAX. We where at our gate with an hour and a half until the flight. Flight was overall pretty good, but when we got to Hawaii I found out that the military didn't havea vehicle ready for us to move all our luggage and family to the Hale Koa hotel. We finally got it all figured out and arrived at the Hale Koa to find out that our rooms were not ready. So we left our stuff with the valet and we went to the beach. Over the 26 days at the Hale Koa we really enjoyed our time at the beach and pool. Plus it helped with dealing with Jaden. We truely miss the members of our ward in El Paso.

Updates on each family member

      Jessica (17) started school immediately when we decided were we would live. I believe she likes her High School. She is a Junior at Kapolei High School. She has really loved the Young Women of our ward. She has that support through school where they get together throughout their time off. She is currently preparing for a play "Wizard of Oz" Which start this weekend.

     Scott (18) graduated High School in June '11. He came to Hawaii with us and after a while he got a job with "SuperGeeks" which is a computer repair business. Scott has learned over the past six months to surf. He does pretty good. I am sure he would like to do it more often.

     William (11) is a middle schooler this year he is attending 6th grade at Kapolei Middle School. He has adapted quickly. He turns twelve 23 March '12 and is looking forward  getting the Aaronic Priesthood and become a Boyscout. William has saved his earnings from doing chores this last year and just purchased an IPOD Touch so he can enjoy games and apps online.

      Jaden (10) is a 4th grader at Kapolei Elementary. He is in the special needs classroom and also receives extra one on one training in the evenings after school. He is a tornado in a trailerpark most of the time, but we love him and he has good days and bad days. I believe he acts out more becuase he can't communicate effectively verbally. He is a very loving and sweet boy.

    Ryan (8) has had a big year, in September he was baptised and also became a cub scout. Ryan is in the third grade and you can find him at the table doing homework for hours after getting home from school. He loves both Scouts and being baptised and is a very sweet young man. He is my tender heart bear, always the one who tells his mother and I that he loves us at least 5-10 times a day, which we love.

   Emma (5) is our little pinkie pie, she is in Kindergarten and loves it. She loves to draw and does really well at it. When she wants something and she is trying to smooze you she will give you the biggest puppy dog eyes you have ever seen. LOL She is a ruff and tumbly girl willing to get in the mix when there are wrestling between family members on the family room carpet. I am finding that I am quickly getting in trouble with those wrestling matches as my kids get bigger! LOL

   Tiffany(?) Has had a crazy year, she is an amazing mother and wife. She is currently going through school to get her Bachelors in Creative Writing. She wants to write novels and also work as a High School English Teacher. She is Jaden's Champion for getting him the best schooling possible. She is amazing in running everything to get stuff done for the family.

   Jeff (?) In the past year I was released as the Bishop of the El Paso 1st Ward. I truely miss the ward members as well moved to Hawaii. We love our new ward, our Bishop and Stake Leadership. After being in Hawaii about a month or so I was called to be a High Councilor in the Stake. What do they say, "Out of the frying pan, into the fire?" LOL Actually a very humbling experience to serve in this capacity. I work with 2 BCT, 25 ID at Schofield Barracks. I love the area. We have snorkeled a lot throughout the island. We love Bellows AFB Recreation area as well as North Shore. After gaining weight during my time at Ft. Bliss, Texas I have lost 20 ibs and continue to work at it every day. Enjoying the physical aspects of the islands!

    Well that is enough for now. Will be back soon to update you on what wild ride has come upon us next. Love to all,


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Definitely not a young man anymore

So today was "Banner Day" for our Battalion. It was fun. I played two softball games and we won the first one but lost the second game in the bottom of the last inning with two outs. It was a close game. I played left field. As most of you know I have a bad right knee. I told Tiffany I was playing and she just shook her head at me. I guess turning 40 is the last straw, but boys will be boys!!

I did really well. Three doubles, a homerun and two walks. So this 40 yr old still has it. HAHA Even though I did come home and take some Ibuprofen. HAHA I feel better but I will be sore tomorrow. Jessica also mentioned to me I got a little red from the sun. No matter what I had a great time.

So yesterday I got a great a computer since mine died last Friday night. It was nice to have access to email and be able to work. I found out that I have a Hail/Farewell with 125 BSB on Thursday. It will be good to finish up with my old unit. I did really enjoy my time there, just didn't do a lot of Intelligence work which frustrated me.

Until tomorrow,


Friday, October 22, 2010

What I want to be when I grow up

I think sometimes, what if I had to do it all over again. What would I do different? I think I probably would have stayed closer to home for my career. Don't get me wrong, I love my country and I do enjoy being able to stand with my brothers and sisters in arms to protect the freedoms that we all enjoy.

I feel think sometimes I would have been a great electrician or going to a trade of sorts. I like working with wood (not that I have time for it). I also think I would have been a great teacher. That is what I wanted to do, but having 6 kids being a teacher doesn't really pay the bills. I believe when I was a young boy I wanted to be a firefighter. I think I chose the dangerous path going military and police officer.

I have been really thinking about choices lately, and how those choices affect our lives weither good or bad. I know I am not perfect, but I believe to an extent that I have many things that I have made great choices on. I believe I made a great decision to go on a mission to Korea. That was a great but challenging time for me. I believe I served well and learned many things about who I am and what I stand for. It was not easy, but so worth it. I believe I also made the best choice of my life when I married my sweetheart. She is an amazing woman and does so much for me and the kids. She is also very strong. Everytime I look in her eyes I see heaven. Don't get me wrong, she has her imperfections, but I have more then her, and she makes me want to be a better man each and every day. I believe I struggle in that from time to time.

Today has not been a very good day. I went into work and found out that somehow my work computer went down. So without a computer I tried to do what was needed. At lunch I went over and relieved Tiffany at CO-OP so she could go over to her appointment. William, Ryan, and Emma were playing soccer. Jaden was over on the playground enjoying burying himself in the sand. It was pretty funny to watch. I also had a good talk with a sister from the ward about life. She has a full load with multiple little ones.

I have grown to enjoy listening to others (which happens a lot being Bishop) talk about their lives and what is happening. It is amazing to me what others lives are like. Many of them hard either financially, emotionally, physically, or spiritually. I am amazed how far a kind work or to let them know I love them goes in this day and age.

Well I better go for now. Tiffany is making homemade pizza for dinner. I always love her pizza. Hopefully the littles ones, and Tiff and I have a great relaxing night. Scott and Jessica are doing Cheer and Band tonight. I can't wait until Cheer and Band are over, then we get our kids back! Have a great weekend.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Trials of life

As I went through yesterday I realized that I didn't have much to do at work. So that is why I started the Blog. It gives me an understanding on what I need to do in my life and how to keep a record of it. If anyone has teenagers you realize that the trials that they go through in life are greater then we as adults have ever had it. They are being pulled in so many directions that they do not which way they should follow. Over the lives of my oldest two children we have tried to teach them to be trustworthy and that choices have consequences. I think that lesson will continue to be taught for a long time to come. I think the greatest test for a parent is to step back and let your children make choices weither good or bad. Then watch them deal with the consequences. I think that is the hardest thing that I have had to deal with them. I have heard before that if you teach your children all you can when they are young in what is right that when they turn 13 and start believing that you do not know what you are talking about as a parent, that sooner or later they will come back to the realization that you have gone through a lot of what they have gone through and know what you are talking about.

Over the past year and a half Tiffany and I have met a lot of challenges weither in home, work, or church. It has not been easy. I find as I counsel youth how much they do not know of the basic principles of the gospel. I guess at my age I didn't either, but in this day and age we have to teach our children at an earlier age what is right and wrong and how to deal with the temptations of Satan.

Even with knowing that Satan is there, it is hard for our youth. With peer pressure, school, and trying to understand who they are and what path they want to follow. We as parents need to put our arms around our children and keep them true on the path. I know that I struggle with my own trials of life, but the most important thing is my family. A friendly reminder from my mother occasionally stating that we want no empty seats in Heaven reminds me that we are our brothers keeper. It doesn't mean to control them but it does mean to help them along the path of life with our love and hopefully our example.

Yesterday, I chose to go to the church activities with out a shirt and tie (first time since being called Bishop)on thinking that I wouldn't sit and counsel with anyone last night. I wore a button down shirt. It looked good but wasn't what I really should have done. I arrived at the church last night to find that the Stake Presidency was at the church to do temple recommend interviews. So I definitely felt out of place right off the bat. Thank goodness Tiffany was at home and was about to head to the church. She brought me a white shirt and tie. I felt better. I guess I learned a valuable lesson that my responsibility as a Bishop is never done and I need to be ready for the unexpected. It is a humbling responsibility and one that I continue to learn about and grow from.

I must have turned off my alarm clock this morning becuase I slept right through Seminary. Tiffany had to go into to get some blood work done from her appointment last week. I get the opportunity to go hang out with the kids tomorrow around lunch time so Tiffany can get another exam done tomorrow. I enjoy spending time with the kids. It never seems like I have enough time with them. Especially the older two! They are always gone, but what can I expect from two high schoolers. It still amazes me that we have a 17 1/2 year old son. Amazes me even more that he will go on a mission in a year and a half. That will be a great thing, but one that will be hard to get use to not having him around. I remember him as a little boy, I would come home for lunch and we would walk across the street and get the mail. It because a routine. It was a great thing, and a great memory.

I was able to read scriptures with William, Ryan, and Emma this morning. It is an amazing feeling to read with your kids and that they enjoy to learn about Jesus Christ. I am sure it is the feeling they get when they read about him that brings them back for me. I know it does for me.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New Blog

As I sit here in my office on Biggs Army Airfield in El Paso, Texas there is literally hail coming down the size of grapes. Pretty impressive considering I live in a dust bowl, with a collection of sand mixed in. I have been here in El Paso for the past year and a half and have never seen it hail at all. Something new today. Just to give you a run down of my life let me start by saying it has been quite a ride.

I was born in Salinas, CA on September 18, 1970 to William Edward Porter and Janet Yvonne Heard Porter as their second son. I was born into the LDS Church and have been a member all my life. I great most all of my younger years until the age of almost 17 in California. Living in Salinas, Mountain View, San Jose, and Gilroy, CA. My teenager years in California where spent mostly in Gilroy, CA. Right before I turned 17 my family moved to Orem, Utah where I finished my last two years of High School at Mountain View High School.

After high school I prepared to go on a church mission. I went looking for a job from north Orem to north Provo to work at Wendy's where I met my future wife, Tiffany Ann Jacobson. Wow!! That is all I can say. We fell in love that summer, only one thing stood in the way and that was that I wanted to fullful a full time mission for the LDS church. So in June of 1989 right after my senior year of high school I recieved a mission call to the Seoul West, South Korea mission. I left October 4, 1989 to fulfill that responsibility. Those two years where the most important two years of my life. What an awesome experience. Hard but awesome! When I returned from my mission I started dating Tiffany again. We where engaged two months later and two month after that on January 2, 1992 we where married and sealed together for time and all eternity. We have been married for almost 19 wonderful years. As normal we have had our own trials and struggles but we stay strong in knowing we where meant for each other.

After being married for 6 months we found out that Tiffany was pregnant. (Interesting story- ask me about it I will share it with you individually) I went in the next week and joined the active duty for 4 years leaving October 15, 1992 to go to basic training. I wasn;t able to live with Tiffany again until July '93 after finishing that training. In March 1993 Scott (currently 17 1/2 years old) was born.  I missed the birth but I arrived a few hours afterward and of course cried when I held my son in my arms. What an amazing experience. My first duty assignment was at Ft. Huachuca, Sierra Vista, AZ. We loved the area and the dry climate. Jessica (currently 15 1/2) came into our family. After two years in AZ, I was sent to Korea for a year hardship tour. It actually was only 10 months due to the fact I got out of active duty and went into the Utah National Guard and worked in a civilian job for a few years. I worked as a Deputy Sheriff in Utah County for 3 years during which time William (currently 10 1/2) came into our family. (don't worry I cried when each of my kids came into the world. The Utah National Guard had a full time opening so I left the Utah County Sheriff's Department and went full time with the Guard. About 6 months after the move Jaden (Currently 8 1/2) came into our family. I felt that as I was going to stay military I better get a better retirement so I went through Officer Candidate School (OCS). I completed that training right before Ryan (Currently 7) joined our family. Let me just stop and say that I think pregnant women, especially my wife are just amazingly beautiful. Something about it. So I had a few month after my OCS completion to revert back to my Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) rank until I went to my Officer Basic Course (OBC). My course didn't start until January, but due to my Grandfather's passing who served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam, I wanted to give the flag to my Grandmother. So I took my commission and was able to present my grandmother with the flag. That was a great experience as well, and I remember being so nervous. I wanted it to be just right.

I went to OBC and after those 4 1/2 months I was sent to Charlottesville, VA for 4 years to work for the Army on full time orders at a Strategic Facility. While in Virginia our caboose Emma (Currently 4 1/2, do not say for or she will correct you) came into our family. In January 2008 my National Guard unit pulled me back to Utah to prepare for a deployment to Afghanistan. I returned to my family 13 1/2 months later in Virginia and requested to go on active duty full time status. In May '09 I drove from VA to El Paso, Texas to join the 1st Armored Division. I have been here for a year and a half. Interesting that during this last year I was called into the Bishopric and then made Bishop May 30, 2010. It has been quite a ride especially the last almost 6 months.

I have been thoroughly blessed in my life and give all the glory to my Heavenly Father. I will write more later but wanted to start by telling you about my 40 years of life. I am sure there will be many other posts. Till next time.