Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Back at it again

Well it has been a while since I have been on the blog, It has been a love hate relationship. Starting to love it again, so I trying to do better.

Many things have changed in the past year and a half:

1. We moved from El Paso, TX to Kapolei, HI:

                   I was awarded a Functional Area in the military, FA57 which is a Mission Command/ Knowledge Management Officer. This is a big change from being a Intelligence Officer. So I had to attend training from 12 June - 6 Aug '11. Tiffany and the kids when to Utah the week after I left for school for the summer until August. There were many adventures and Tiffany has put some of those previously in her blog. I finished with training and flew to Utah to pick up the family. We spent a few days there and then headed to California to go to Sea World and to spend a little time with Craig, Laura, and the kids.

      On 11 August we all loaded into the Marriott Hotel bus and headed to the airport at LAX. It was more seamless then we all thought it would be in LAX. We where at our gate with an hour and a half until the flight. Flight was overall pretty good, but when we got to Hawaii I found out that the military didn't havea vehicle ready for us to move all our luggage and family to the Hale Koa hotel. We finally got it all figured out and arrived at the Hale Koa to find out that our rooms were not ready. So we left our stuff with the valet and we went to the beach. Over the 26 days at the Hale Koa we really enjoyed our time at the beach and pool. Plus it helped with dealing with Jaden. We truely miss the members of our ward in El Paso.

Updates on each family member

      Jessica (17) started school immediately when we decided were we would live. I believe she likes her High School. She is a Junior at Kapolei High School. She has really loved the Young Women of our ward. She has that support through school where they get together throughout their time off. She is currently preparing for a play "Wizard of Oz" Which start this weekend.

     Scott (18) graduated High School in June '11. He came to Hawaii with us and after a while he got a job with "SuperGeeks" which is a computer repair business. Scott has learned over the past six months to surf. He does pretty good. I am sure he would like to do it more often.

     William (11) is a middle schooler this year he is attending 6th grade at Kapolei Middle School. He has adapted quickly. He turns twelve 23 March '12 and is looking forward  getting the Aaronic Priesthood and become a Boyscout. William has saved his earnings from doing chores this last year and just purchased an IPOD Touch so he can enjoy games and apps online.

      Jaden (10) is a 4th grader at Kapolei Elementary. He is in the special needs classroom and also receives extra one on one training in the evenings after school. He is a tornado in a trailerpark most of the time, but we love him and he has good days and bad days. I believe he acts out more becuase he can't communicate effectively verbally. He is a very loving and sweet boy.

    Ryan (8) has had a big year, in September he was baptised and also became a cub scout. Ryan is in the third grade and you can find him at the table doing homework for hours after getting home from school. He loves both Scouts and being baptised and is a very sweet young man. He is my tender heart bear, always the one who tells his mother and I that he loves us at least 5-10 times a day, which we love.

   Emma (5) is our little pinkie pie, she is in Kindergarten and loves it. She loves to draw and does really well at it. When she wants something and she is trying to smooze you she will give you the biggest puppy dog eyes you have ever seen. LOL She is a ruff and tumbly girl willing to get in the mix when there are wrestling between family members on the family room carpet. I am finding that I am quickly getting in trouble with those wrestling matches as my kids get bigger! LOL

   Tiffany(?) Has had a crazy year, she is an amazing mother and wife. She is currently going through school to get her Bachelors in Creative Writing. She wants to write novels and also work as a High School English Teacher. She is Jaden's Champion for getting him the best schooling possible. She is amazing in running everything to get stuff done for the family.

   Jeff (?) In the past year I was released as the Bishop of the El Paso 1st Ward. I truely miss the ward members as well moved to Hawaii. We love our new ward, our Bishop and Stake Leadership. After being in Hawaii about a month or so I was called to be a High Councilor in the Stake. What do they say, "Out of the frying pan, into the fire?" LOL Actually a very humbling experience to serve in this capacity. I work with 2 BCT, 25 ID at Schofield Barracks. I love the area. We have snorkeled a lot throughout the island. We love Bellows AFB Recreation area as well as North Shore. After gaining weight during my time at Ft. Bliss, Texas I have lost 20 ibs and continue to work at it every day. Enjoying the physical aspects of the islands!

    Well that is enough for now. Will be back soon to update you on what wild ride has come upon us next. Love to all,
